Exclusive Offers

Whether you are looking for a room only rate, intending to explore our dining options or looking to discover our unique experiences, Vivanta Ernakulam, Marine Drive, provides exciting options that meet your travel requirements. Choose from our range of hotel offers in Kochi to make your stay a memorable one.

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Rewards Fiesta
Redeem your points for stays.
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Soulful Abodes
Soulful Abodes
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New Beginnings
New Beginnings
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Redeem & Rejoice
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Best Available Rate - Room Only
Members need to be enrolled or be logged in into the loyalty program to avail this discount.
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Breakfast Inclusive Rate
Members need to be enrolled or be logged in into the loyalty program to avail this discount.
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Urban Gateways - Breakfast and One Set Meal
Treat yourself and your loved ones to a relaxing staycation.